
Self Hypnosis Cds – Alcohol Alcoholism Alcoholic Drink Problems

September 3, 2006

Many people suffering from stress or excess worry will turn to an alcoholic drink to help calm their nerves and provide some feelings of relaxation. There is no doubt that alcohol does have a relaxing effect when taken in moderate amounts.

Some people will have what they call a ‘relaxer’ at the end of their working day. This might be a glass or two of wine, a shot of whisky, rum etc or maybe a beer. In moderate amounts alcohol is supposed to be good for us. However it is when alcohol is used in excess, maybe to escape from dealing with a life problem that alcohol consumption can become an issue and a serious one too.

If you are drinking early in the morning, if you can’t face the day without a drink, if you always need ‘dutch courage’ before attending a meeting whether social or professional, if you try to conceal how much you drink or are in denial about your drinking then you do have a problem.

What is not realised is that excess alcohol consumption can bring with it a feeling of depression. The person who drinks to excess and who then feels depressed will drink again to try and suppress or numb the feelings of depression and so a vicious cycle begins.

The only person that can stop someone when drinking excessively permanently is the drinker themselves. No amount of cajoling or persuading or threatening from love ones seems to make any difference. As with anything in life that is worth having or obtaining, it all begins with a decision. The decision comes first and then the action follows.

Many people who have had a drink problem and overcome it have used the AA’s 12-step programme. As with anything, it will not be the right vehicle for everyone. IF you have attended an AA session and found them not to you liking, it is not an excuse to give up. It means that either you need to find an AA group that does feel better for you or another form of help may be what you need.

Hypnosis has been used to help people with a drink issue. It still requires the drinker to take responsibility for themselves and their life choices. The <a href=”http://www.hypnosources.com/alcoholhypnosiscd.htm&#8221; mce_href=”http://www.hypnosources.com/alcoholhypnosiscd.htm”>alcohol self hypnosis cds</a> may just give you enough insight to help you crack your drink problem and start enjoying your life again.

Like all self hypnosis cds, the “Alcohol Abuse” self hypnosis cd needs listening to repeatedly. Indeed, you are encouraged to listen to any self hypnosis cds once a day for at least the first 14 days.

To add some variation you can alternate your self hypnosis cds and certainly having the self confidence self hypnoisis cds with the Alcohol Abuse self hypnosis cds can provide a powerful combination.


Self Hypnosis Cds – Adding To The Power of Hypnosis Cds

July 3, 2006

If you listen to any self hypnosis cds on any subject you can add to the power of those self hypnosis cds by implementing practical changes in your life at the same time.

You know that it only takes a small change to make a big difference. Just a small change in direction can over time lead to a big shift in many areas of a person’s life. Part of that change is of course using self hypnosis cds but there is always more that you can do. Let me explain by using a metaphor.

A modern oil tanker is an enormous ship. It can be bigger than 10 tennis courts. A ship of that size cannot turn very quickly. The captain has to anticipate in advance a turning that the ship needs to make towards a port otherwise the ship will miss that port. So the captain calculates the direction, the heading if you like, that the ship needs to be steered. Now if that calculation is wrong by even 1 degree that ship, unless it is corrected, will miss the port but quite some distance. So even a small change in direction can make a big difference over a period of time.

Likewise in life, a small change can make a big difference over time. The great news is that a small change generally equates to a manageable change because it is small. So it is important to accept and recognise that small changes do lead towards bigger changes particularly if you make a number of those small changes.

For instance do you realise that if you made one small change each week that by the end of the year you would have made 52 changes in your life. That is quite some success and progress for any one in a year.

An example of how to put this in practice might be the person who wants to lose weight but has struggled with various diets. Rather than change everything overnight, consider the idea of changing one thing each week. The first week you might substitute a healthier and smaller meal for that unhealthy one. This change can be strengthened if you made that healthier meal always on a particular day. For example, Wednesday is your day for the healthier meal.

Then the following week you decide to go for a walk or even a run around your local park. So now you have made 2 changes in 2 weeks and it also motivates you because these enable you to feel like you are doing something positive towards controlling your weight. Then if you listen to a self hypnosis cd on self confidence when in bed on a Friday night now you have made 3 changes in 3 weeks.

The idea of all of this is that the positive changes get added gradually and not all at once. I think you would agree that 3 or 4 or 5 changes in one week might seem overwhelming and too much to do at once. This piecemeal approach in effect keeps the ball rolling and because every week you add something new it also gives you choices.

What I mean by choices is that you can then decide to stop doing one of the new changes you have made if you find it is boring or unhelpful or just too inconvenient for your lifestyle. Is you do this then all you need to do is find a different change to implement in its place and your progress towards your goal is maintained.

There is an expression which sums up the above idea very well “If you keep doing the same thing you tend to end up with the same result. If you want to change you need to do something different”.

So just listening regularly to self hypnosis cds is likely to be a change for you already. Even within this idea of a change in your life you can have variation and vaierty by using different themed self hypnosis cds such as a hypnosis cd for confidence, weight, life success and many others.


Self Hypnosis Cds – Relief from Stress Hypnosis

June 30, 2006

The number one most popular issue that users of self hypnosis cds or clients of a hypnotherapist seek help for is stress. Even if their presenting issue appears different, such as a phobia or lack of confidence, somewhere in the mix will be a stress issue. So helping anyone to reduce their stress can be a great and effective way of reducing the symptoms and often the cause of any issue.

Self hypnosis with the use of self hypnosis cds or without any aid whatsoever is a technique that can not only assist stress reduction and encourage more and longer lasting feelings of relaxation it can also help alleviate the cause of the problem or issue.

Most often the causes of any issue whether physical, mental or emotional is incorrect thinking about life’s events. There is no doubt that we are different from each other for many reasons. One of the main differences is being to perceive an identical and often the same event than someone who experiences that event at the same time.

A well-known example is what I refer to as the “2 Half Pints of Beer Scenario”. This is the story of two men in a bar who have been drinking beer. They both have the same amount of beer left to drink: a half of a pint. One the men thinks to himself “oh no, my glass is half empty”. The other man thinks, “Great, my glass is still half full”.

Now both these chaps are in the same situation and have the same physical stimulus in front of them. Yet one is obviously having a better time of it than the other. Most often these to chaps are referred to as the pessimist and the optimist.

So it is not necessarily what happens on our world that causes us to have an issue or stress, most often it can be the way we perceive a situation and ultimately how we process that situation and store it away as a memory.

As you know, some memories just give us a neutral feeling, or no feeling at all when we think about them. An example would be writing a note or driving to the shops for most people. When you think about that memory of driving to the shops or writing that note, it does not bring up any strong feelings.

Thinking about a memory of being laughed at by your whole class when in senior school can bring with it a decidedly uncomfortable feeling. On the other hand, the memory winning that egg and spoon race when you were only 3 years old can bring happy and carefree feelings.

Changing the way we think about past and what appear to be negative events can give us a sense of release and prevent us subconsciously sabotaging future opportunities. Coupled with a relaxation regime such as listening regularly to self hypnosis cds can really pay dividends. After all once you have learnt the lesson of the past event (which might be to make sure you prepare for a speech) why do you have to carry the unhelpful feelings around. There really is no need to be burdened anymore is there not?


Self Hypnosis Cds – How Can They Help Me Change?

March 13, 2006

The next best thing to a hypnosis session with an experienced hypnotherapist is the repeated listening to of self hypnosis cds, tapes, or mp3’s.

Although the practice of self-guided self hypnosis (without a hypnotherapist or self hypnosis cds) can be very powerful it still requires you to think of what to do next and which way to turn.

Self guided hypnosis you might say is similar to driving a car. The driver of the car can enjoy the views but he/she must make the decisions about the direction and speed and where to go next.

On the other hand listening to a self hypnosis cds can be like the experience of the passenger in the car. The passenger can enjoy much more of the view and not have to concentrate on anything particular. The passenger can go with the view from the car window or choose to drift away with his/her own thoughts.

Although it can be argued that the suggestions and therapeutuc processes in a self hypnosis cd remain fixed, it is also a fact that the listener will not remember everything in the recording consciously. So on subsequent playings the listener becomes aware of parts of the recording that they do not hear consciously before.

Also the repitition of beneficial suggestions which is then heard over and over again, consciously or unconsciously helps with their acceptance. Let’s face it, if we hear something often enough we begin to believe it. A self hypnosis cd makes use of this fact and something else…

If, like the passenger of a car, the conscious mind wanders off, it is less likely to reject positive suggestions. This being the case those positive suggestions are more easily accepted as true in the stronger part of the mind, the unconscious mind.

All in all, self hypnosis cds are a great way of dealing with and releasing patterns, urges and other unwanted or unhelpful behaviours.


Self Hypnosis Cds – Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy on a Hypnotic Cd

March 11, 2006

The purpose of this brief article is not to offer an opinion about the use of hypnosis as used by any modern hypnotherapist. The British Medical Association BMA and American Medidal Association AMA have long since acknowledged its place as a useful psychological intervention method.

Additionally, self hypnosis is being taught to expectant Self Hypnosis cds and hypnotherapy mp3 downloads mothers with amazing results to help reduce any discomfort during childbirth. Dentists may use it to either help with a patient’s dental phobia or to help reduce the use of chemical anaesthesia.

A hospital in Manchester teaches it’s IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) patients self hypnosis. These patients have taken control of this debilitating condition and have managed to reduce the embarrassing and often painful symptoms of IBS through regular use of self hypnosis. 

It seems that the issues, problems and ailments that hypnosis can help with is endless.

Taking self hypnosis and putting it on a medium such as cassette tape, cd or mp3 is not as easy as it might seem. It takes skill and much experience in the field of practising hypnotherapy to get it right. 

Duncan McColl, an experienced hypnoanalyst has captured the full potential of self hypnosis in a series of amazing hypnotic cd recordings. I say, series but this is really an understatement.  He has over 600 different recordings aimed at specific problems.

Judging by the testimonials he receives, he has developed an almost miraculous knack of knowing (maybe I should say insight) of how to release people from the most stubborn and debilitating psychological and physiological burdens.

Duncan has a way with words you might say and has the most comforting and yet encouraging of voices too. He has used his hypnoanalytical skills and experience to create self hypnosis cds that also include principles from behavioural science, Zen, Sufism, and esoteric Christianity.

Duncan refers to his recordings as “Conscious Self Hypnosis” and some of these will be the subject of articles to come.

For a flavour of just some of the subjects Duncan has made available take a look at this catalog of self hypnosis cds and hypnotic mp3 downloads